* This blog has been formulating itself in my head for some time now. It's dedicated to the ponderings I have when driving, the random thoughts and debates that go through my brain in the shower, and the discussions I wish I had finished at dinner.
* I am not a writer, though there are times I wish I could be paid to write. (Don't all bloggers?!) As you read this, just remember it's all based on opinion. That doesn't mean I'm closed-minded, but rather just passionate! So please feel free to share your opinions, thoughts, and questions. I always welcome a good debate!
* All that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)

Thursday, January 28, 2016


A long time ago, in a land across the ocean, many people couldn't help make decisions for their countries and consequently themselves. So they sailed the ocean blue and came to America! Not so long ago women protested and fought for the right to vote alongside men. And even a few years ago minorities had to fight for their rights.
Today every American with the proper ID can register to vote and cast their vote without any problems. BUT.. WE. DON'T.
Interesting. I believe I started this blog last May or perhaps Nov. It was the first election I decided not to vote in (however I changed my mind and ended up voting!) But why would I have decided not to vote first? Well for the same reason I've decided to vote by writing in my selections on the next big election - there are not very many (any?) qualified candidates.

I believe this is the reason for the recent voter apathy. Indiana is one of the worst states for voter turnout and consequently we end up with narrow-minded people trying to belittle their political opponents rather than improve the state of Indiana. While watching the news (which I rarely do!) I just saw there is a new woman who has decided to run against Glenda Ritz for State Superintendent of Education. Her big statement is that she is going to focus on improving the quality of education rather the political arguments that ensue. Does she really think Glenda is in her position because she enjoys arguing politics? Does she really think she's not going to face opposition from people in the opposing party simply b/c she represents the opposite party? Does she really think she can improve parenting (which as we all know is a HUGE component in educational success)? Good for this woman for putting herself out there and challenging the current political and social state of education. But please don't use a platform of idealogical dreams to win an election b/c you will be facing the same obstacles Glenda currently does.

Reading through this may seem negative, and that's not the intention. The intention is to get people thinking about better candidates. This article is trying to shed light on the fact that Indianapathy is a problem related to the candidates rather than the voters. But it's also a call-out to voters. Don't stop voting - just write in the person you feel would do best. What if we all wrote in our candidates? Voter turnout could be phenomenal and the results would surprise the nation! Imagine this:
"90% of registered voters in Indiana turned out to vote today. The winners all won with less than 10% of the votes. 90% of the votes were split among 430+ different candidates. Where did these candidates come from? The voters, of course!"
After just 3-4 votes, don't you think the politicians would get the hint that we don't want them but rather we want actual people who want to make a difference in the state? I believe the message would be clear - we want politicians that represent the PEOPLE. So, c'mon, voters, turn out in droves and write in the best person for each job!

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