* This blog has been formulating itself in my head for some time now. It's dedicated to the ponderings I have when driving, the random thoughts and debates that go through my brain in the shower, and the discussions I wish I had finished at dinner.
* I am not a writer, though there are times I wish I could be paid to write. (Don't all bloggers?!) As you read this, just remember it's all based on opinion. That doesn't mean I'm closed-minded, but rather just passionate! So please feel free to share your opinions, thoughts, and questions. I always welcome a good debate!
* All that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I am "those old people" ...

I just finished watching The Neighbors. And it was very funny! But one thing kept sticking out in my mind - Zach Efron calling the family "those old people". At first I laughed about that b/c it's pretty humourous.  Calling a family of a husband and wife in their 30's and a new baby "old" was pretty funny.  I mean, I know people in our 30's aren't college age "young adults" anymore. But we're not old!
The more the movie went on, the more I identified with the family. A part of them missed college partying. But at the end of the day, raising a beautiful daughter and "being the party" is so much more rewarding. And definitely not "old"!

At the end of the movie I started thinking numbers and this is what inspired this blog tonight. Here are some of those numbers:
* I got my license 20 years ago. TWENTY YEARS AGO! How have I been driving that long?! That can't be right...
* We moved to Ireland 25 years ago. WHAT?! Really??? This means in December it will be 25 years since the last time I competed as a cheerleader. That makes me sound like I'm ancient...
* I work with high school kids. No big deal, really. Except these people were born AFTER I graduated from college. I could be their parent! I definitely do not feel old enough to be a college student's parent. Whew, thank goodness we waited so long to have Tiny!
* Of course, I became a parent 6 years ago. SIX! Where have those last 6 years gone...
* I taught myself to type and use a computer 19 years ago. Before that I had barely touched a computer. And today I can't live without one!


This blog was started one month ago. Geez, I'm not "old", I'm just ADD, haha! But seriously, to finish the blog, 39 years, 364 days ago I was born. Yep, in two days I'll be turning 30+10.
THIRTY + TEN = Really, Freaking Old
 But I don't feel that old so I'm sticking with 35 for a little while longer! The numbers can keep going up; high school and college age kids can call my generation "those old people"; but in our hearts we'll always be young and fun!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

What to do...what to do...

Hey there readers!  This is a very sharing blog tonight so get prepared!
I'm coming up on a VERY BIG birthday in November.  Most people know me as the girl who is perpetually 35.  I love that age.  I'm not a naive 20-something. I'm not "old". I'm in my mid-30's.  Still cool to people in their 20's but mature enough for those in their 40's.  Young enough to keep up with the newest technology but old enough to know that a personal conversation is still sometimes the best medicine. Yes, 35 is a good age and I've thouroughly enjoyed the last 5 years! I could stay 35 forever...aaahhhhhhhh...

But that still doesn't change the fact that this year I'll be turning 35 for the sixth time. That's kind of  a big deal. (Do the math...you'll figure out why!)  I don't know why I have such a hard time aging.  Everyone does it. If you don't do it you are dead. I should love getting older. But I DON'T! Every year I age I get a year farther removed from the "target audience". That's a weird thing to think about, I know.  Ages 18-24 are the target ages for many products. Ages 18-40 are the target ages for TV. Once you cross that boundary the advertisers don't care about you anymore. Over 40 and you may as well pull up a good book and drink some tea.  :(

Well I'm NOT GOING TO DO IT!  I'm going to stay 35!!!!  Just watch me :)  However, I am going to celebrate the heck out of this birthday.  The question is How? Here's what I've hit up against so far:
#1 - I want to go to NYC for Thanksgiving and my birthday.  I wanted my family to go along with me.  Our entire extended family lives closer to NYC so it would be easier to get everyone together there than to travel to IN anyway.  But the family pooped out on me.  (This is typical and I knew going into it that it was a looooooong shot).
#2 - How about a paint ball party?!  Hubby thought it was a good idea.  But then I mentioned having teams with the kids and he said you can't have little kids in paintball b/c it will hurt them.  I've never played paintball so I didn't know that.  And I don't want to do something without my daughter!
#3 - I keep going back to a destination birthday.  Last year we went downtown and stayed in a hotel for the lighting of the World's Largest Christmas Tree.  I'd do that again, actually, b/c it was super fun.  But I'd like to have friends and family there. And maybe have a big party on the veranda of the hotel! I wonder how much that costs...
#4 - What now???  I'm searching for some way to make this birthday a great one.  I just don't know what to do.  I'm open for more ideas.  I don't have much more time to  plan this.  I'll be turning 35 again really soon so please share your ideas!
??? What did you do?
??? What would you like to do?
??? What have your friends done?
Please share and help me make this a great, spectacular birthday to remember!  You know I'll take pix and post them on Twitter :)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

How I know I'm a Meat-Head

I'm a Meat Head.  That's right.  I'm a Meat Head.  I love working out.  I love sports (watching and playing, as long as I'm winning!).  I love being fit and hanging out with fit people.  I push my kid to workout and love it.  And yes, I LOVE football.  Yes, I am a Meat Head.
Recently it has become abundantly clear to me that this statement is true.  My parents have recently discovered a place called "Exercise Inc".  The concept is that a 20-minute strength training workout, working to failure on all major muscle groups once a week, will help someone build enough muscle to boost their metabolism, increase their cardiovascular fitness, and build muscle tone.  They have scientifically proven results so I'm not writing to bash the workout or the concept.  I am writing to explain how this helped me fully realize my Meat Head status.
My mom gave me a gift certificate for 2 workouts at Exercise Inc.  This included the initial 40 minute assessment then two 20-minute workouts.  I completed the paperwork both prior to and at the appointment.  (Let me just tell you that completing my "fitness goals" was the most difficult part of this!)  I talked with the trainer and further explained my two fitness "goals".  They were 1.) to tone my midsection (b/c I eat too much sometimes and it shows up in my belly!) and 2.) build endurance (b/c I am not running this summer so I figured my endurance was slacking.)  I was told that goal #1 would involve a change in diet.  They believe in the Paleo diet - eat how the cavemen ate.  And #2 would be increased with their workouts alone.

SIDE BAR - I can't actually be on a full Paleo diet b/c I am vegetarian.  I am not going to compromise food flavor for a flat belly.  I'd rather just increase my cardio fitness while decreasing the intake of cookies, haha!

OK so now they have me intrigued.  Let's get this 20 minute workout going!  The first appointment I only had time for the leg press.  Three minutes - 127 lbs - 10 seconds to push and 10 second to release.  I made it through 3 minutes...barely!  I was so excited for the next workout which would workout every major muscle in my body!

Workout #2 - we only got through 4 exercises.  On the 4th I thought my butt was going to cramp up and die!  But my upper body was feeling pretty normal.  And we didn't do any ab or back work at all.  We finished, scheduled the next week's workout, and I left on very weak feeling legs. Twenty minutes had flown by!  I didn't break a sweat (which you apparently aren't supposed to do) and after a few minutes rest I didn't feel fatigued (which I guess you aren't supposed to either?)

I have my final workout tomorrow.  In the meantime, here are my Meat Head thoughts:
1.) 20 minutes flew by and I was barely breathing heavy for more than a few minutes throughout the entire time.  Doesn't the ACSM recommend moderate exercise 5 times a week or intense 3 times for 30 minutes each?  One time a week for 20 minutes doesn't seem enough for me.
2.) I wasn't sweating.  I fully understand the concept behind this but something doesn't feel right when I don't break a sweat in a workout.
3.) I was mildly sore the next day.  But my butt was just as sore 4 days later after my hubby and I went duck pin bowling!  I'm used to feeling like I worked out after a super strenuous workout.
4.) No warm up or cool down/stretching?  This kind of goes against everything I have learned as a group exercise instructor and soon-to-be personal trainer.  Our muscles need to be warm before we add stress to them.  And stretching is so important to maintaining range of motion!  Especially as people age!
5.) If I am not exhausted by the end, I don't feel I've worked hard enough.  This is the #1 reason I know I am a Meat Head.  There was a man last week talking so enthusiastically about this 20 minute/1Xweek workout and how it fits in his life so well b/c he doesn't enjoy working out nor does he feel he has time to fit it in his life.  I, on other hand, feel stressed, unrelaxed, and fat if I don't workout hard at least a few times each week!  Twenty minutes was WAY TOO SHORT for me.  I NEED to spend time each week working out my stress...ignoring the world to focus on weights or cardio or sweating!...there's something about leaving the gym glistening in sweat, endorphins flowing through your body, smiling that makes my day.  Does this sound like the definition of Meat Head?  I thought so too!

So, at the end of the day, I'm sure a 20-minute workout 1Xweek, with research to back their results, is a great solution for the majority of America.  But for us Meat Heads it isn't enough.  A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta to relax and deal with life.  Working out is my way of dealing!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Football !!!!!!

OMG, OMG, OMG, it's the Super Bowl this weekend!!!!!  Which means it's time for our Annual Super Bowl/Fantasy Football Awards Party!

I absolutely love everything football.  I even watched the Pro Bowl last weekend.  Well, bits of it.  I was in and out of the house during the game a lot, so I only got to see a few plays now and again.  But it was interesting this year.  My feelings on the Pro Bowl have changed over the years:
*  Originally I thought it was a fun game between the AFC and the NFC to help ease fans out of football season.   You know, it used to take place the week after the Super Bowl.  Your average person didn't really care, but football die-hards watched b/c we knew we were losing football for several months after that.
* Then, in 2010, they changed the weekend and the Pro Bowl was now played on the week between the end of the playoffs and the Super Bowl.  I was furious!  So the Super Bowl now ends the season?!  Just like that??  One game and we're done?!  The NFL commissioner made the decision based on "fan feedback" and said it was better for the fans.  But now, anyone voted in who was playing in the Super Bowl wouldn't be playing in the Pro Bowl.  And again, no easing out of the season...it just ends!
* This year marked another drastic change in the Pro Bowl.  Instead of the NFC playing the AFC, they did a draft and created two brand new teams coached by Rice and Sanders.  It actually made for a fun week as there was the Draft to watch, then speculation on how players would deal with/feel about playing against their teammates, then the actual game.  Yes, the game was as fluffy as ever, but it was a lot of fun.  I liked this change in format!  But this is the first time I saw a real sense of fun in the players.  And I realized, the Pro Bowl isn't for the fans.  It's for the players.  Who wouldn't want to be 20-something (or 30-something!) and get to go to Hawaii and play football for fun?!

Anyway, here we are on Super Bowl weekend and I'm so excited!  We have maybe the biggest crowd yet coming - 15-16 people.  Our old QB, Peyton Manning, is playing and everyone is rooting for him.  We've got orange tables clothes, the Buck Em Bronco's drink, and more in store!  I can't give away too much in case any partiers are reading this :)  We're just working to make it the most fun Super Bowl party yet!  I wish I could create a job where I just plan football parties b/c I LOVE DOING THIS!!!!

****** GO BRONCOS! ******