* This blog has been formulating itself in my head for some time now. It's dedicated to the ponderings I have when driving, the random thoughts and debates that go through my brain in the shower, and the discussions I wish I had finished at dinner.
* I am not a writer, though there are times I wish I could be paid to write. (Don't all bloggers?!) As you read this, just remember it's all based on opinion. That doesn't mean I'm closed-minded, but rather just passionate! So please feel free to share your opinions, thoughts, and questions. I always welcome a good debate!
* All that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Decision with a Goal

As you all may know I've been floating happily along in life, changing careers, changing goals, loving my daughter, and generally working to keep the house and family running smoothly. Being CEO of a family was never my intention, but who among us is really living their initial goals, anyway?
Lately I've been getting restless again and looking for the next big thing. Well, guess what? I found it! And no, it's not another career, haha! I love being a personal trainer and I love teaching group exercise. But I want to make more money and I want to work at one location. I love the MCC and I really enjoy most people at the Y. But driving to two different locations and not really making any real money is wearing on me. So, here is my decision:

---> I'm going to start looking for a part-time job. My expectations are high. I want to continue to train people, individually and, if possible, in group settings. I want to work between 9:30-3:00. I'd love 4 days a week but I'll do 5 if needed. I want to make between $25,000-35,000. I wouldn't mind a supervisory position. I do have experience and plenty of education to back it up!
I'm pretty open to the population I work with. However, I would prefer either a high school as a Strength & Conditioning Coach/Teacher, or a business where I could work with the company's health insurance (or perhaps a company that has a health initiative) and train the employees during their work day. There are a few businesses that employee personal trainers and have gyms available to employees to use during the work day. Finding those companies in Indianapolis has proven to be a challenge, though!
---> Once I find this perfect position, I am going to buy a Jeep! This is my second goal. I want a fun vehicle for my next car and since cars with suicide doors are no longer made, I'll be looking for an awesome Jeep to drive around!

My timeline to meet these goals is one year from August. 
---> August 2016 I will either be beginning or settling into a new job and driving a sweet new Jeep around town! Big decisions; BIG goals!  :)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

World view or Local view?

An interesting discussion with my husband tonight opened my eyes to the ways we see things differently. Recently I have discovered I'm a bit of a hippy. He, on the other hand, calls himself a realist. I like to think of humans as a more evolved species; a group of animals capable of seeing and learning from each others' differences. I love to surround myself with people who are different to me. I don't know why other than I love learning about different cultures, I love being a part of something different; I just am fascinated with the things people do.
He looks at us as animals who are slowly losing our instincts and thus becoming less of a survivalist society. So slowly in fact that we are still more animal and less human when it comes to instincts.
He says I am not normal in my ability to hang out with a lot of different people. He says I am weird wanting to surround myself with people who are different to me. He says if we still needed our instincts to survive I would have been killed years ago.
I see where he's coming from and I understand the logic and facts behind it. But it makes me sad. I'm sad that as evolved of a species as we are we haven't learned to control these "fight" and "survival" instincts. I'm sad that wanting to be around different people and learn from them is so rare. I'm sad when I think of the fact that he's basically right. Look at war - there are groups in the middle east who want to kill us in the west b/c we look different and are incredibly different to them. It's territorial. Isn't that what dogs base everything on? Their territory? By the way, this is my "world view of his ideas".
He looks at this issue through a "local lens". Even in the great USA people are territorial. Our daughter might get hurt simply b/c she is a minority in her current school. At least that's his thoughts. And because I see this happening all over the world, I can't argue this fear with him. I can verbalize my thoughts (see above about wishing we were more evolved) and share that she tends to view the world the way I do - learn from those who are different. Soak in their knowledge, experience, and wisdom! I can hope that she loves to learn from all people and can adapt easily to other cultures. And I very much want to believe that people will get along and instead of avoid people who are different to us we will embrace them and learn from them.
But will that happen? Or will racism continue to exist?
I guess only time will tell...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

I Get It!

I get it!
I have found it!
Life! Everywhere we are bombarded by images of people saying find your passion...people saying be an inspiration...people pushing others to do their best...people making life seem like it should be about the next best thing and if you aren't reaching then you aren't growing and you aren't achieving.
So, I've been reaching...I was professionally growing for a long time. Misguided, yes. We all know that. Oh we ALL know that.
And all my blogs and all my thoughts and all my discussions with colleagues and students about colleges and careers and how to get ahead...how to find your talents and make it work for you...
And all my new directions to find those talents and seek out where I really wanted to be achieving so I could continue to grow and reach and gain...
It was all just...SHIT.

It just hit me. In this video I just watched (yes, ANOTHER inspirational video on fb, haha) yet another passionate speaker raised his voice about making a difference and seeking out your passion and doing what keeps you going in order keep you and your spirit alive. Yep, same old thing. How many times can people say the same old thing before it makes any sense? Hundreds, apparently! But here's what I heard today:
At one point he said something about people going to work at jobs that are making them sick. And it showed an unhappy person sitting on a bus going into work. That vision and that wording combined with my frame of mind right now all fit perfectly together to create the meaning behind it all:


But this doesn't mean you have to LOVE your career! It also doesn't mean you can only enjoy ONE thing! You just have to find what you enjoy and love, recognize it, and feed it! Then you will have the secret to a happy life!
Maybe for you that's teaching others and you happen to be an excellent teacher. Tada! Your career and your life are one and the same!
Maybe for you adventure is something you enjoy but you're really good at working with people. So make a career out of helping people to help pay for your adventures. Tada! Career and life working together!
Omg, why don't people ever explain life this way? Seriously. I have always felt like it should be one big fucking thing. Like if you aren't doing everything to reach one singular big life goal then you are failing. There is no one big goal, idiots. There is only ENJOYMENT and LOVE.

Now go. Stop reading my blog. Support yourself. Find your life. Enjoy and love!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Getting serious...

Last week I read one of the most heartbreaking articles in People magazine I've ever read. It was about a teen who committed suicide b/c she didn't feel loved and understood by her parents. Her situation was a lot more than the usual teenagers who demonstrate disgust with their parents, who argue over curfews and fairness, and who generally will grow to understand their parents. Her situation was of parents using their religious beliefs to discredit their child's feelings. It was a situation of parents, possibly misguided, but definitely close-minded, who drove their child to feel alone and helpless. It was a situation I really can't understand at all.
The child in the article was transgender. When she told her parents about her feelings and her discomfort with himself, they sent her to Christian counselors who tried to "fix" her.
Here's where my lack of understanding comes in: I look at transgender people the same as I look at gay people and heterosexual people. Here is my view on it all: we are all people. Human beings. Homo sapiens. No matter the situation, we are all the same.
We all like different things.
We all have different tastes.
We all feel differently.
We all breathe the same air.
We all walk the same earth.
We are all judgmental.
Yes, we are judgmental. That's a part of human nature and something that, despite the fact we know it's wrong, is still so enjoyable to do! Who doesn't love a good gossip session about who's making out with whom, who's dating whom, etc? We all enjoy hearing about other's and comparing them to ourselves! And I think we all try to hide some of our judgments from others, b/c we know it's not kind or appropriate.

But, when you're judging your own child...I can't understand that. Aren't parents supposed to raise their children to be good citizens? Isn't Christianity about loving your neighbor as yourself and caring for everyone? How is telling your child their feelings about their body is wrong an OK thing to do? How is isolating your child from others "helping" the child (the article stated that after sharing her feelings with her parents, this teen was unable to socialize with friends outside of school)? How is it the Christian thing to do to not accept your child and love him/her for what (s)he is?

There is a wave of dislike and hate moving through the world today. It's disheartening to think we've come so far from the days of Woodstock and free love and yet we haven't moved any closer to a loving world. Racial tension is soaring again. Religious wars are still being fought. Teens are taking their own lives out of sadness and isolation.
What is it going to take for this to change???

I, for one, will continue to accept people as they are. I am teaching my daughter to be kind to everyone regardless of their color, religion, partner, wealth, etc. My husband is an incredibly accepting person as well. But we are one family. Of 3 people. We'll do what we can. Will you?