* This blog has been formulating itself in my head for some time now. It's dedicated to the ponderings I have when driving, the random thoughts and debates that go through my brain in the shower, and the discussions I wish I had finished at dinner.
* I am not a writer, though there are times I wish I could be paid to write. (Don't all bloggers?!) As you read this, just remember it's all based on opinion. That doesn't mean I'm closed-minded, but rather just passionate! So please feel free to share your opinions, thoughts, and questions. I always welcome a good debate!
* All that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

I sit here watching the after-party to the New Year's festivities from NYC.  (BTW, I did make it there this year!  We went for my birthday and it was WONDERFUL!)  I remember the year I was there.  It was crazy! But so much fun.  Jenny McCarthy asked some people tonight if they would classify the experience as "bucket worthy".  I would say a resounding YES!  Everyone should go hang out in a Times Square pen once in their life.  It is an amazing experience to be surrounded by people from all over the world and celebrate the coming of another year.  Yes it is a huge party.  Yes it can get cold there.  But YES, it is worth every minute just be a part of something shared by the entire population of humans on this planet.

I was not able to attend my yoga/gong meditation this year and that really bums me out.  I have come to love yoga and enjoy the connection to our earth that it brings me.  I have truly begun to embrace the hippy in me, haha!  I should really write a blog about simplicity and connectedness, but that seems like a lot of work right now...maybe some other night...
Tonight I did get some serous snuggle time with my Tiny.  For those who don't know, I have a 4-year-old daughter who is the love of my life.  I let her stay up until 10:00 tonight to watch the fun from NYC.  She was hilarious b/c she found the theatre where we saw Annie while we were watching the performers and was so excited to recognize something she knew!  When she went to bed she asked if she should wear her new glasses (2013 glasses we got in NYC) tomorrow.  I'd forgotten all about them!  But Tiny doesn't forget a thing.  So she'll be wearing them all day tomorrow!

If I had to choose one thing that sums up the last year I would say it is...
I reread some of my blogs and didn't realize how much I learned about myself this year.  So that's one surprise.
I also promoted out to Unit Leader with PartyLite, just at the time I had given up hope it would happen.  That was a very nice surprise!
I am totally happy making close to minimum wage working as a water fitness instructor and lifeguard.  It gives me something to do and is a little extra money to pay bills with.  Surprise!  (Although, don't count on this feeling to last long...it never does!)
I got an e-mail about a week ago from my long-lost friend, Andrea.  Surprise!  I thought she's fallen off the face of the earth!  Turns out she's just being a mom to her 2 kids and loving it.

Well I guess that's it.  Plus it's 1:07am on the 1st of January, 2013 and I probably should try to go to bed.  I do have to work tomorrow...ug.  So stay tuned for more blogs this year and lots of fun!!!
Happy New Year, readers!

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