* This blog has been formulating itself in my head for some time now. It's dedicated to the ponderings I have when driving, the random thoughts and debates that go through my brain in the shower, and the discussions I wish I had finished at dinner.
* I am not a writer, though there are times I wish I could be paid to write. (Don't all bloggers?!) As you read this, just remember it's all based on opinion. That doesn't mean I'm closed-minded, but rather just passionate! So please feel free to share your opinions, thoughts, and questions. I always welcome a good debate!
* All that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)

Friday, April 6, 2018

Living in an "Over" Society

We live in an "Over" society, or "Over" world, these days, don't you think? This is a term I'd love to see coined and used commonly to try to eliminate the "over"ness of our culture. But since I'm just one blogger w/ a super small following, I doubt I ever hear anyone else use this term! Regardless of whether or not this becomes a household term, I'd still like to explain the "over" part of our society and see what you think of the idea.

First, it would be very single-minded and ignorant of me to claim we live in an "over" world. This would imply that everyone in the world lived the way people in western countries do. I know for a fact the rest of the world is different, filled with a massive variety of cultures, ways of living, vices, etc. So let it be known that the term "over" society reflects the western cultures of America and most of Europe.
Now, onto the explanation!

We Overanalyze everything: every system put in place, every process at a workplace, every type of instruction, every decision made is revised, revisited, analysed again and again.. What happened to if it's not broke don't fix it? I'm not saying we shouldn't change, but change for the sake of change, is ridiculous and this is what happens a lot. When people over-analyse, they forget to move forward. Instead, it's just reinventing the wheel.

We Overstep boundaries without knowledge. More and more people share their opinion with the world. An opinion which is based on no knowledge or intelligence, simply a feeling or gut response. That's fine; it's our rights as humans to hold opinions based on whatever we want to base the opinion on. However, it's when that opinion is shared as a FACT that is oversteps a boundary. Social media and blogging allow people to feel important and share their unfounded opinions. A facebook post or a blog might get shared on social media and suddenly an average person has overstepped the boundary of common sense and is coming off as an expert. I know you've seen people who "know" the best essential oils to cure scarlet fever! We've all read that bananas, or eggs, or cows milk, or (insert the most recent opinion you've heard here) are killing us. Why do we think that having an opinion suddenly makes us medical professionals or fitness professionals, etc.? It's actually insulting to those of us who have studied one of these professions and actually knows what we are talking about!

We Overshare - showing every step of every struggle you are going through is no longer "something we don't discuss in public". Instead it is praised and rewarded! The more feedback and "prayers" you can get from friends on social media, the more a person tends to over-share. It's a terrible cycle of self indulgence. But do we really want to see the rash your kid got or hear how badly you've been treated by the same jerk again? Remember "overstepping boundaries"? Perhaps this has grown b/c so many people overshare in search of an answer that a professional should be giving them...

We Over-do - we take on too much; we fall too deeply into an idea and we struggle to find moderation. Trying to lose weight? How many diets take it to the extreme?! And people jump on board until they either give up b/c it's too restrictive or they haven't seen success b/c it's not actually healthy at all. Diet didn't work so let's try exercise! But instead of saying, "I haven't worked out in year so maybe I should take it easy". people lean towards, "Sure I'll go to the gym 5 days a week for 2 hours each day! However, that lasts maybe 4 days and then feeling like failure sets in and people quit. How about the politically obsessed? Technology obsessed? Any obsession leads to over-doing it which leads to burn out which leads to unhappiness...

We over eat - obesity! need I say more?

We over expect - throw ourselves into a plan and expect results immediately. No results = no satisfaction. On the flip side, we expect others to do over and above what they are supposed to do or are capable of doing. Expectation not met = no satisfaction. People have limits. People need time to learn. This goes both for projects we take on and projects we oversee (hey, another "over"!)

We over-react! - why do people jump on a bandwagon without thinking? Slow down! Take a breath! Research and form an intelligent opinion! We also see this when people start to get angry - it can escalate very quickly if we're not careful.

Do you see now what I mean by living in an "Over" society? It's gone beyond first world problems and into a whole new dimension of over-ness. Sigh...