* This blog has been formulating itself in my head for some time now. It's dedicated to the ponderings I have when driving, the random thoughts and debates that go through my brain in the shower, and the discussions I wish I had finished at dinner.
* I am not a writer, though there are times I wish I could be paid to write. (Don't all bloggers?!) As you read this, just remember it's all based on opinion. That doesn't mean I'm closed-minded, but rather just passionate! So please feel free to share your opinions, thoughts, and questions. I always welcome a good debate!
* All that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

When is Enough Enough?

I don't know what this blog post is about but I keep coming back to that statement - When is Enough Enough?
How do you know when you've had enough of a food, person, or activity?  How do you know it's time to move on to the next adventure?  How can you tell if you're just having a bad day/week/month or it really is time to move on?
I suppose it could be a feeling - that feeling when you want to explode if you hear something again.  That feeling of dread when it's time to go to work.  That feeling of annoyance when someone opens their mouth, no matter what they are going to say.
Philosophers throughout time and counselors of today say we can control our feelings.  We should be able to control how we feel, rather than allowing something or someone else to control how we feel.  Well I think that is easier said than done.  (And trust me, as a counselor, I know more strategies for this than most people!)  But there does come a point where Enough is Enough.  If something doesn't change, we'll make something else change.  If someone says the wrong thing on the wrong day, emotions erupt.  If that promotion passes you up one more time, you're done with that job.

Maybe the key to it all is knowing that it is inevitable.  Enough will be Enough one day.  For some people that will come sooner than others.  But if we know it's going to happen, we can accept it when it does.  Maybe if we know and accept that there will be a breaking point, that breaking point will appear more clear to us and we won't be asking When is Enough Enough...